The nature of reality is Trinitarian - the inherent oneness of particularity. And it is the nature of God to eternally manifest this infinite particularity of inherent oneness by the divine energies. There is no unity apart from particularity nor particularity apart from union. This is the non-dual, Trinitarian understanding of reality.

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“It is only in being united with something different from itself that any thing can even be a unique thing at all.” However, union of particularities is inherent, not something done later or added on after the fact. Union is on the level of being. As you said, this union must be a “mutual indwelling of unity and particularity.” Particularity arises out of union not vice versa.

Pottery are unique manifestations of clay. Jewelry are unique manifestations of gold. Waves are unique manifestations of water. Ultimately, all that exists are unique manifestation of God. Differences exist at the level of manifestation, not the level of being. There is no real union apart from ontological union.

Religion is a finger pointing at the moon. The moon is the inherent ontological union of all unique particularities. Religion simply reveals that which is always already the case. Union is essential. Anything less falls into false duality.

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Except if there is no eternal precedence for particularity, there can be no such thing (either as reality or "illusion") as particularity at all. In the Tri-unity of God there is no primacy of the union in the essence over the particularity of the persons--to say that would be to introduce temporality into eternity and nullify the Trinity (and in doing so, nullifying everything and anything at all).

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